Perla Nazionale Katy Perry vs. Paris Hilton - Nothing in Hot N Cold MASH UP! THATS HOT!!!❤ FABI OLLU Annalisa vs. Madonna - Mon Amour Sorry MASHUP Bella storia! viva la libertà e la f.......💃💃🕺🕺👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🎼🎹 Davide Genco Loredana Bertè vs. Bob Marley - E la Luna Stand Up MASHUP Fantastica ❤❤❤


6 Results / Page 1 of 1


AI Cover

Music, Economics, and Beyond

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVCfp8WuAA0 The whole point of digital music is the risk-free grazing" Cory Doctorow, Canadian journalist and co-editor and of the off-beat blog Boing Boing, is an activist in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. Doctorow and others continue to write prolifically about the apocalyptic changes facing Intellectual Property in general and the music industry […]

today5 Aprile 2020 168 6 5

Best from Youtube

How To Gain The Power To Create Musical Emotion

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtF6Jej8yb4 Have you ever wondered how your favorite musicians make such great music? The answer is this: They fully understand how musical emotion works, and how to use this to create intense emotions in YOU while you listen to them. Understanding musical expression is key to becoming a great guitar player and musician. When you control emotion in music, you will gain the power to greatly affect the listener's experience. Most guitarists want to be able to express themselves better […]

today2 Aprile 2020 7 1

Best from Youtube

How To Market Music: An Effective No-Fail 3 Step Music Marketing Formula That Works

How To Market Your Music More Effectively Knowing how to market your music is without a doubt THE most important thing you can do for your music business and your music career as a whole. You know it's something that must be handled and if you're not making efforts to learn how to market your music more effectively then you should know that, at the very least, nothing serious will ever happen in your music business career. The first thing […]

today22 Marzo 2020 12 1 2

Best from Youtube

Skillax Preparing ‘Harsher, Brighter’ New Album

The National have confirmed that they will start recording their next album "soon". The US band released their sixth album 'Trouble Will Find Me' in 2013, more recently showcasing new song 'Roman Candle' live. With frontman Morgan recently saying that the group need to "change and evolve" on their next record, guitarist Morgan has now confirmed to Pitchfork that they have assembled a new studio to record in. "We need a new home because everybody is scattered," John explained. The […]

today19 Marzo 2020 14 1 4

Best from Youtube

Judge Asked To Skillax To Attend ‘Stairway’

"Consider heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women, killing more women than all cancers combined. If we can do more to prevent, treat and cure cardiovascular disease, more women will live longer, more families will stay together, more workers will stay productive, and we’ll save money on treating a condition that costs the U.S. nearly a billion dollars a day. "Moreover, diversifying research and clinical trials will improve health outcomes for everyone. Better understanding of sex differences will not […]

today26 Gennaio 2018 11 2

Best from Youtube

Handel: A Musical Life of Devotion

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuAxVfZasUk A great gift to music entered into the world on 23 February 1685 in Halle, Germany. A life of great musical interest; one filled with an unbelievable talent that would become a beacon to many throughout the European continent and span centuries past its lifetime. It is a life that would become centered around a great mystery of how the musical talent would blossom into a recognized and celebrated gift; a life that would alter the musical landscape and […]

today23 Gennaio 2018 3



Nei miei mashup mi piace fondere diversi generi musicali in una sola traccia. Con oltre 10 anni di esperienza, ho sviluppato una tecnica che mi consente di creare nuove sonorità e di sorprendere il pubblico con brani unici ed emozionanti. La mia passione per la musica mi ha spinto a sperimentare con diversi generi, dal pop all’elettronica, dall’hip-hop al rock. Sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove sfide e di nuovi suoni da incorporare nei miei mashup. La mia missione è quella di creare una connessione tra i diversi generi e di regalare al pubblico un’esperienza musicale unica.

